A large part of succeeding in business involves attracting and retaining the right talent in order to secure your future and growth. New and younger employees seek purpose, flexibility and a seat at the table while more seasoned employees challenge themselves to keep-up with the fast moving and ever increasing digitized world, their influence within the enterprise, leveraging their well-earned knowledge while navigating ever shifting priorities and organizational changes. It’s complex.

We believe there is an amazing opportunity to bring these groups together in the spirit of collaboration and innovation. We have seen first hand through the programs we have developed and implemented for organizations and entrepreneurs how linking skills, talents and knowledge within the internal ecosystem and introducing new ways of working produces surprising results and accelerates an idea and endeavor exponentially.

Therefore, we have several services and products that are already proven – but can be modified and customized according to the specific challenges in order to deliver optimal results.

Innovation challenges

Tailored towards energizing and engaging with your own employees and departments whether 3000+ employees in diverse locations, or small specialist teams. We help you to kickstart the creative process in your company, inventory ideas and change the culture inside your organization.

Idea Platforms

In today’s data driven and social environment, the ability to gather ideas from customers, employees or citizens is HUGE. And so is the effort to capture, track, and communicate about progress and provide real time feedback -which we all expect.

Frankly it can be overwhelming. We have tools, experience and ways of working that will help you to manage your ideas and feedback loops in a cost effective way.

Concept Development

Perhaps you already have ideas already in the pipeline. Or perhaps you are searching for new ideas. Either way, we can help you to explore and develop new ideas or we can add additional power and build on your existing ideas from a different angle – blowing out the concept.

Whether you are a startup or a large organization our creativity and business acumen will astonish you.


Involving all stakeholders in the product design and production process allows you to take their input and translate that right back into creating a better product and a more efficient pathway to reaching product/market fit.

Co-creation capabilities and communities for multiple products within a portfolio of ideas provide you with a 24/7 first external audience to gather insights and validation.

Idea validation

Validation is easier said than done. In fact, it’s possibly one of the hardest things you will ever do in your product life cycle, otherwise products and startups wouldn’t have the abysmal 90%+ failure rate they’ve become famous for.

We believe we have a better method, costing less, and giving better results . . .  faster.